ATTENTION! Online Business Coaches Who Are On The Verge Of Burnout With Little To No Sales To Show For All Your Hard Work!

Join The 10k Your Way 3 Day Challenge

It's Time To Scale Your Sales

With A Sales Machine That Converts!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Join The 10k Your Way 
3 Day Challenge

It's Time To Scale Your Sales

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

How online coaches can fuel their lifestyle freedom 
and fill their programs with ideal clients without burnout.

STOP the endless tweaking and perfecting your program.

START creating your sales machine.

So You Can Finally Have Your Dream Business And Say Goodbye 
To The Feast Or Famine Cycle Forever!

register today while There is still room!

We limit the number of attendees to give YOU personalized feedback and maximize your results.

How online coaches can fuel their lifestyle freedom 
and fill their programs with ideal clients without burnout.

STOP the endless tweaking and perfecting your program.

START creating your sales machine.

So You Can Finally Have Your Dream Business And Say Goodbye To The Feast Or Famine Cycle Forever!

register today while There is still room!

We limit the number of attendees to give YOU personalized feedback and maximize your results.



A Group Program, Membership Or Course

Who Has Sold It Before

Who Wants More Of The Right People Inside It

A Group Program, Membership Or Course

Who Has Sold It Before

Who Wants More Of The Right People Inside It

If This Is You, Keep Reading!

Wouldn't it be nice if someone FINALLY told you 
what YOUR next best step is?

It's not perfecting and tweaking your offer or creating another promotion.
If you want a life first business, you need to create a sales machine that you can invite 
new leads to over and over again!

That sales machine is called... A CHALLENGE!

That Is What The 10k Your Way Challenge All About!

Leveraging challenges so they actually fit your lifestyle & gives you the most bang for your buck, 
so you don't have to keep creating new ways to enroll ideal clients.

Maximizing your time without creating more new content, THAT'S EXHAUSTING!

Sustainability is not simply relying on your email list or social media platforms as your main source of sales is not sustainable and not going to get you to the next level in your business.

You Will Walk Away With:
The exact blueprint you need to host a virtual event that CONVERTS
Getting you more SALES so you can finally start SCALING your business and IMPACTING lives with your incredible offer!
You're a smart capable online business coach. You've built your business this far 
and you're ready to reach that next level of success in your business.

Yet, after all the wasted hours of hosting free trainings and webinars with little to no sales, 
you're left wondering, "now what?"

You've seen the big names in the online coaching space doing challenges, workshops or summits but are hesitant to go all in because you just want something that will work!
Let me guide you through this process to create a profitable virtual event so you can
avoid making costly mistakes or stop short of reaching goals!
I want you to  serve more of your ideal clients with your life and business changing program, course or membership.
Attending the 6-Figure Virtual Event Blueprint Challenge will allow you to do just that.
You can use this blueprint over and over again to
while building your authority, email list and community.
There are so many methods out there to help you grow your business and I bet you've probably tried a few but...
They've either felt out alignment OR they have over promised and seriously under delivered.
The 6-Figure Virtual Event Blueprint Challenge is not another get rich scheme that encourages you to use sleazy sales tactics or bro marketing to get "overnight success."
If you show up, trust the process and do the work, 
you will walk away with a proven blueprint 
to host a virtual event that converts!
So you can scale your business predictably, consistently and sustainably without working a million hours!
Here is the really cool part... you don't need to have a big name 
or large audience to host your first or next virtual event! 
We know intuitively that the Tony Robbins', Russell Brunson's, and Grave Lever's of the world all hit their fair share of stumbling blocks on their rise to the top.  Just like the rest of us!
What if you had the chance to ask one of these amazing humans, 
"what was the ONE THING that finally allowed you to skyrocket your impact, authority and revenue?" 
They would all respond the same way.
Hosting their first virtual event...
and then hosting it again and again.
You don't have to worry about figuring out 
what the heck you are going to say...

You've already built an offer that you know 
gets your ideal clients results. 

You know what your ideal client wants and needs...
let me show you how to use what you've already created 
in this new hyper effective virtual event  model that will enroll more of your ideal clients into your '1 to many' offer!
Without waisting any more of your precious time or energy.
You don't need to be tech savvy, hire a big production company 
or have a large team for this to work for you too!
During our time together I will show you the exact steps you need (and all the things you don't) to host a virtual event profitably so you are excited to start implementing 
without the overwhelm or stress.

This Isn't Your Ordinary Challenge

It's A Cool Challenge

We are actually pulling back the curtain to share what you actually need and don't 
to host a challenge that gets you SALES without adding more to your already full plate.

Each day we will be answering these key questions:

DAy 1:
How do you get ideal clients to sign up? 
Learn the refreshingly easy way to have your audience 
raising their hands and saying "YES! I would love to come to your challenge!"
DAy 2:
Once they sign up, how do you get your attendees to show up on day one and each day after?
 Discover the key strategies to have attendees competing for your attention. Talk about game changer!
DAy 3:
How do you get your attendees to stay and buy? 
AKA How much value do I give?
It's a fine line between giving too much, 
then they won't buy 
and not giving enough, then they will feel pitched at. 
Understand the key components to getting it just right and enrolling the most clients at one time!


You Will Walk Away With:
The exact blueprint you need to host a virtual event that CONVERTS
Getting you more SALES so you can finally start SCALING your business and IMPACTING lives with your incredible offer!
You're a smart capable online business coach. You've built your business this far 
and you're ready to reach that next level of success in your business.

Yet, after all the wasted hours of hosting free trainings and webinars with little to no sales, 
you're left wondering, "now what?"

You've seen the big names in the online coaching space doing challenges, workshops or summits but are hesitant to go all in because you just want something that will work!
Let me guide you through this process to create a profitable virtual event so you can
avoid making costly mistakes or stop short of reaching goals!
I want you to  serve more of your ideal clients with your life and business changing program, course or membership.
Attending the 6-Figure Virtual Event Blueprint Challenge will allow you to do just that.
You can use this blueprint over and over again to
while building your authority, email list and community.
There are so many methods out there to help you grow your business and I bet you've probably tried a few but...
They've either felt out alignment OR they have over promised and seriously under delivered.
The 6-Figure Virtual Event Blueprint Challenge is not another get rich scheme that encourages you to use sleazy sales tactics or bro marketing to get "overnight success."
If you show up, trust the process and do the work, 
you will walk away with a proven blueprint 
to host a virtual event that converts!
So you can scale your business predictably, consistently and sustainably without working a million hours!
Here is the really cool part... you don't need to have a big name 
or large audience to host your first or next virtual event! 
We know intuitively that the Tony Robbins', Russell Brunson's, and Grave Lever's of the world all hit their fair share of stumbling blocks on their rise to the top.  Just like the rest of us!
What if you had the chance to ask one of these amazing humans, 
"what was the ONE THING that finally allowed you to skyrocket your impact, authority and revenue?" 
They would all respond the same way.
Hosting their first virtual event...
and then hosting it again and again.
You don't have to worry about figuring out 
what the heck you are going to say...

You've already built an offer that you know 
gets your ideal clients results. 

You know what your ideal client wants and needs...
let me show you how to use what you've already created 
in this new hyper effective virtual event  model that will enroll more of your ideal clients into your '1 to many' offer!
Without waisting any more of your precious time or energy.
You don't need to be tech savvy, hire a big production company 
or have a large team for this to work for you too!
During our time together I will show you the exact steps you need (and all the things you don't) to host a virtual event profitably so you are excited to start implementing 
without the overwhelm or stress.

This Isn't Your Ordinary Challenge

It's A Cool Challenge

We are actually pulling back the curtain to share what you actually need and don't 
to host a challenge that gets you SALES without adding more to your already full plate.

Each day we will be answering 
these key questions:

DAy 1:
How do you get ideal clients to sign up? 
Learn the refreshingly easy way to have your audience 
raising their hands and saying "YES! I would love to come to your challenge!"
DAy 2:
Once they sign up, how do you get your attendees to show up on day one and each day after?
 Discover the key strategies to have attendees competing for your attention. Talk about game changer!
DAy 3:
How do you get your attendees to stay and buy? 
AKA How much value do I give?
It's a fine line between giving too much, 
then they won't buy.
Not giving enough, then they will feel pitched at. 
Understand the key components to getting it just right and enrolling the most clients at one time!



So Who Is This Amanda Chick?

Your new biz bestie!

Hi, I'm Amanda Engler and I'm a Sales & Marketing Coach who is passionate about your success.

Everything I do is to find you BETTER results FASTER with the path of least resistance.

I believe in looking at the big picture while simultaneously breaking down each step forward as simply as possible.

I just happen to help you build a challenge that converts allowing you to have the finances to fuel your lifestyle freedom.

Oh and I've won some pretty cool awards like:
 👉 BizBash 40 under 40 (fancy event mag)
 👉100 most influential people in the event industry by EventEx (fancy pants authority in events)

So Who Is This Amanda Chick?

Your new biz bestie!

Hi, I'm Amanda Engler and I'm a Sales & Marketing Coach who is passionate about your success.

Everything I do is to find you BETTER results FASTER with the path of least resistance.

I believe in looking at the big picture while simultaneously breaking down each step forward as simply as possible.

I just happen to help you build a challenge that converts allowing you to have the finances to fuel your lifestyle freedom.

Oh and I've won some pretty cool awards like:
 👉 BizBash 40 under 40 (fancy event mag)
 👉100 most influential people in the event industry by EventEx (fancy pants authority in events)

Are you ready scale your sales & have a life first business?  

Who doesn't love a good giveaway?

1:1 Coaching call with Amanda

1:1 Coaching call with Amanda

Valued at $997!

 $30 In Gift Cards

Of Your Choice!

Expert Secrets

By Russell Brunson

All Of This Just For Showing Up LIVE AND TAKING ACTION!

By attending the 10k Your Way 3 Day Challenge
you will get LIVE BEST-IN-CLASS  Training
THAT OTHERS HAVE PAID THOUSANDS for, only $7 right now!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

What's So Special About This Workbook?

It is your personalized blueprint

That Allows You To Get The Best Results When Host Your First Or Next Challenge!

Use this blueprint over and over again
Without reinventing the wheel so you can SCALE predictably, consistently & sustainably!

(Never have to worry about any balls getting dropped or feeling overwhelmed!)

The 10k Your Way 3 Day Challenge will guide you every step of the way!

This isn't an all fluff event where you walk away 
overwhelmed and still not sure where to even start.


Meet Your Host

Amanda Engler

Amanda Engler is a Virtual Event Strategist and a key business advisor who helps online businesses understand how their portfolio of virtual events bring value, deliver on KPI’s, and fuel growth and prosperity. 

She uses her face-to-face event and online experience to curate truly transformational virtual event experiences for hosts and their attendees. She was awarded the 100 most influential people in the event industry by EventEx and BizBash 40 under 40 for her work within their virtual event space.

  • Pioneer of virtual conversion events
  • Expert Within The Event Space
  • Creator of the 3 Day Live Virtual Event Framework

It’s Time To Join

The 6-figure Virtual Event Blueprint Challenge

100% Money Back 30-Day Guarantee

If for any reason at all, if you aren't satisfied with our program... you have a full 30 days, to email us and receive a 100% Money Back no questions asked.

Are You Ready?

The 6-Figure Virtual Event Blueprint Challenge

Your Questions Answered!

  • Who Is This Challenge For?
    It is for the online business coach with a proven offer who is ready to grow their movement! As moms we are growing a business and a family so we don't have time to be messing around with growth strategies that don't produce results quickly and consistently.
  • What Will I Learn?
    You will learn the exact framework I use with my clients that allows have a 30% conversion rate into their programs, courses and memberships. 
  • When Is Challenge?
    May 30th-June 1st. Each training will start promptly at 2pm EST. 
  • What If I Don't Have Big Audience?
    This is an amazing question! You don't need one to sell more of your offer right now.
  • Where Will The Challenge Be Held? 
    The challenge will be streamed into our private Facebook Community Live for General Admission attendees. VIPs will get to join Amanda in the exclusive Zoom! Recordings will be accessible for General Admission ticket holders in the Facebook group for a limited time. VIP's will get a copy of the recordings after the event has concluded.
  • What If I'm Terrified Of Being On Camera? 
    One, you are not alone and two, it's totally normal! Everyone starts somewhere and most hosts are in your same shoes. Together we will find you the perfect strategy to get over the fear so you can show up and serve while also making the process FUN and Enjoyable!
Copyright 2023 Amanda V Engler, LLC | All Rights Reserved
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